Never a Good Time...

>> Friday, September 24, 2010

Oh this mama is sick. Worried sick and sick, sick. Literally.

Sadly, I came down with a cold Sunday afternoon/evening that about knocked me on my backside Wednesday. And when I got the text from Jack yesterday that said he had come down with it, I just about cried. Poor Jack doesn't do so well with colds and flying.

It's so true, there is never a good time to ever be sick. But this timing has me absolutely worried sick as we are getting ready to host John and Ashley's baby shower tomorrow afternoon/evening and then just a few hours later, we load the car to head to the airport to catch a 6:00am flight to Chicago Sunday morning.

I'm so worried about the little guy catching the crud before our flight and while we're traveling. It just breaks my heart to think of him in any pain during our flight(s). So far he's showing no signs or symptoms. And would you know he's and has been the sweetest, easiest baby EVER this week. I was so looking forward to this trip as a time to rest, catch up on the blog(s), and explore the city with the boys. Maybe laying low and spending time in a hotel room is just what the Lord had in mind for us or maybe, just maybe we've got a super high flying germ fighter on our hands.

Come on sweet lil' boy, you can do it!


Melody September 25, 2010 at 6:59 AM  

Oh no! I hope you guys didn't get the cold from the kiddos on Saturday : ( I guess that would have to be a pretty fast acting bug. Praying that you guys get over it super fast, and that Wyatt stays healthy for your trip!

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Our Wonderful Begining

Sunday, December 2nd 2007

What a day, I felt like the luckiest kid in the world! We feel so blessed that we were able to share our day with friends and loved ones. It truly was one of the happiest days of both our lives and we loved each and every minute of it!

Our planning process was a whirl wind. Who says you can’t plan the perfect day in three months, and have a blast doin’ it?! I realized during our planning how truly lucky I am to have Jack to stand beside. Our happy day was truly a testimony of team work, love, compromise and countless episodes sittin’ side by side watching WE tv wedding shows.

Small and intimate was our maid of honor, no best man, no big wedding party, just Jack’s adorable nieces as the flower girls. Our original guest count was not to exceed 50, a comfortable 100 graced us with their presence. It was intimate, warm, exciting…it was the best day we’ve shared together.

Come Take a Peek!

Click on each photo below to be directed to the corresponding photo gallery.

Hudson's Newborn Photos - Eleven Days Old

Materity Photos - 36 Weeks

Hudson's First Month

Our Little One's Journey

A couple of crazies in Ecuador - Twenty one weeks pregnant

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