Feeling so LUCKY and Blessed.

>> Friday, November 5, 2010

I pinch myself each and every weekday I spend at home with our little man. I still feel like I'm living in a dream (maybe that's partly due to the calendar insanely flying by, or the long work days, or all the fun we are having, are possibly because I'm going a little nutso...I'm leaning towards nuttso). Still, I can't believe I'm not driving into the office but walking across the hall to start my work day.

The last five months have been unreal. Never in my wildest dreams could I have ever imagined my Etsy store, Little Retreats would have taken off the way it has, allowing me to work from home. Along with that, never in a million years would I have ever dreamed I would be working so hard. Balancing a full time job plus and caring for the little guy during the day has been a challenge. A tough challenge that I'm still trying to master, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. A crazy dream has come true, I'm 'crafting' for a living.

And then today, when the December issue of LUCKY magazine hit the newstands this morning and the orders started immediately coming in as a result I was over the moon pinching myself even harder.

It just keeps getting better and better. Check me out mom! I'm on page 126. :)


Melody November 13, 2010 at 7:13 AM  

This is SOOOOOOO awesome! You rock, friend!

I think you are doing a wonderful job of balancing work and mothering! Being a mom is hard enough as it is, but throw in trying to accomplish ANYTHING else, and you've got quite the challenge! Hang in there and keep up the good work!!!

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Our Wonderful Begining

Sunday, December 2nd 2007

What a day, I felt like the luckiest kid in the world! We feel so blessed that we were able to share our day with friends and loved ones. It truly was one of the happiest days of both our lives and we loved each and every minute of it!

Our planning process was a whirl wind. Who says you can’t plan the perfect day in three months, and have a blast doin’ it?! I realized during our planning how truly lucky I am to have Jack to stand beside. Our happy day was truly a testimony of team work, love, compromise and countless episodes sittin’ side by side watching WE tv wedding shows.

Small and intimate was our goal...no maid of honor, no best man, no big wedding party, just Jack’s adorable nieces as the flower girls. Our original guest count was not to exceed 50, a comfortable 100 graced us with their presence. It was intimate, warm, exciting…it was the best day we’ve shared together.

Come Take a Peek!

Click on each photo below to be directed to the corresponding photo gallery.

Hudson's Newborn Photos - Eleven Days Old

Materity Photos - 36 Weeks

Hudson's First Month

Our Little One's Journey

A couple of crazies in Ecuador - Twenty one weeks pregnant

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