Sweet, Sweet, Sweet

>> Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Twenty Seven Weeks

It’s only Tuesday and this week has been as sweet as sweet can be.

Today I had my twenty seven week check-up. It was a quick appointment, just the basics - blood pressure, weight (hooray, only a 4 lbs. gain – although I must stay away from the Golden Arches, I’m sure I wouldn’t have seen a gain at all if it wasn’t for Mr. McDonald hollering at me each time I passed by.), baby’s heart beat (good!), and my glucose results from Sunday’s blood work...I passed! No gestational diabetes for this kid and mama – thank goodness! I’m sure that would have put a damper on the day and my ice cream fun.

We made HUGE progress on the nursery this weekend. Friday night I picked up the white paint and started right in. I was able to knock out all the cutting in, a couple coats on the ceiling, the closet wall and a half a coat on a big wall before running out of paint. Saturday we headed out, picked up the grey paint, another gallon of white and headed off to IKEA with measurements and notes in hand.

Holly smokes did we cover some ground and score big in that crazy yellow and blue box! I think it might have been one of the best one-stop shopping trips ever. During our two hour adventure we scored: A six drawer dresser, a three drawer chest (aka changing table), a small nightstand/table, a floor lamp, a table lamp, sixteen compartment storage boxes for the dresser, three shelves, three picture frames, nine yards of three different styled fabrics, (one for the glider, one for the curtain valance, one for the bed skirt, and because Jack liked it) and a

Jackaroo cutting his fabric pick

As soon as we got home, we both hit it hard. Jack started assembling the furniture and I went back to the painting. Amazingly, by 10:00pm everything was moved in we had a full blown almost completed nursery! Just throw the crib in the room and it will be ready to rock.

Now it’s just the small fun stuff - picking out a few fun décor pieces and toys, sewing the valance, reupholstering the glider chair covers, and organizing the closet.

I would like to keep the room uncluttered and simple as possible, and because we are on a good roll budget wise, economical. To save a few pennies I thought I would try my hand at making the lil’ guys’ mobile to coordinate with the room. I’m happy and excited to report so far so good, and hope to have pictures by the weekend!

I can’t wait to see what the rest of the week brings!


Melody January 12, 2010 at 1:13 PM  

Yay!!!! Can't wait to see pictures!

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Our Wonderful Begining

Sunday, December 2nd 2007

What a day, I felt like the luckiest kid in the world! We feel so blessed that we were able to share our day with friends and loved ones. It truly was one of the happiest days of both our lives and we loved each and every minute of it!

Our planning process was a whirl wind. Who says you can’t plan the perfect day in three months, and have a blast doin’ it?! I realized during our planning how truly lucky I am to have Jack to stand beside. Our happy day was truly a testimony of team work, love, compromise and countless episodes sittin’ side by side watching WE tv wedding shows.

Small and intimate was our goal...no maid of honor, no best man, no big wedding party, just Jack’s adorable nieces as the flower girls. Our original guest count was not to exceed 50, a comfortable 100 graced us with their presence. It was intimate, warm, exciting…it was the best day we’ve shared together.

Come Take a Peek!

Click on each photo below to be directed to the corresponding photo gallery.

Hudson's Newborn Photos - Eleven Days Old

Materity Photos - 36 Weeks

Hudson's First Month

Our Little One's Journey

A couple of crazies in Ecuador - Twenty one weeks pregnant

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