Feeling So Blessed...

>> Thursday, January 7, 2010

Today I’m feeling a little overwhelmed, gleefully overjoyed, extremely lucky and so so blessed. ..

Somehow the days are just FLYING by...not truckin’ on by...FLYING by. I was shocked today to take a peek at this lil’ blog this morning (just to see how behind I was on my weekly posts) to see that little count down in the upper top left read 92 days to go. 92 days?! That’s it...that’s all...there ain’t no more? I’m having such a great time sporting this growin’ belly, I’m kind of sad to see the end in sight.

This week we’ve been making good baby progress, I placed my first order of AIO’s (All in One) Cloth Diapers. Yeppers, we...err...I, decided to dive in head first into the big ol’ pile of cotton (and laundry) and run the cloth diaper route. It’s my plan to try a few different options and brands and see what works best, so I’m planning on distributing the diaper budget around. This go around was the All in One Bum Genius 3.0’s. I picked up seven diapers and 18 flip disposable inserts for $102.82. Jack seems a little apprehensive, but I convinced as soon as he sees the cute little things in person he’ll be sold.

Nursery progress - Yippee, all the ideas floating around my crazy head are finally starting to come together! Not sure why, but I’ve been struggling with the lil’ guy’s nursery ‘theme’ and ‘look’ since we found out the sex in November. I’ve been completely and utterly stumped, the only thing I’ve been certain of is we both do not want to limit the design of the room a specific theme, especially a pre-packaged store bought theme. After a few evenings pouring over flicker nursery picts, design sites, baby blogs, an online fabric order and a trip to Ikea for more fabric samples, I think we’ve nailed it!I’m so excited to put the plan into action.

We are going for a modern look - grey and white walls and ceilings (our entire house walls and ceiling are a butter cream), a bright orange and red valance, a black and white glider and ottoman, a cheery yellow for the pillows and changing pad cover, and more. Pictures to follow soon!

Saving the biggest and best news of the week for last , our crib!I am feeling so overwhelmed by the generosity our dear neighbors (and friends), Todd and Katya have been pouring our way. A few months ago, they passed their Pottery Barn Glider and Ottoman our way. AMAZING! Then just recently, they were notified of a safety recall issued on their (recently retired) crib. Unable to sell or pass it down, they generously offered the recall voucher and Babies R Us credit to us, a $349 credit towards any style crib! I think we were both speechless. After a few weeks of back and forth strategizing and web watching, I just received a phone call from Katya this morning that the order has been placed and the crib is on it way!

It’s been a bit of fiasco and the efforts they have gone through to secure and order the crib for us are beyond. In-stock, out of stock, out of inventory completely, online purchase only, purchase on the neighbors credit card, in person return/credit on the neighbor’s credit card, and more. We both are so very grateful for all that they have done!

Oh what a weekend it will be! Shopping, painting, building, decorating, and piecing the room together.


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Our Wonderful Begining

Sunday, December 2nd 2007

What a day, I felt like the luckiest kid in the world! We feel so blessed that we were able to share our day with friends and loved ones. It truly was one of the happiest days of both our lives and we loved each and every minute of it!

Our planning process was a whirl wind. Who says you can’t plan the perfect day in three months, and have a blast doin’ it?! I realized during our planning how truly lucky I am to have Jack to stand beside. Our happy day was truly a testimony of team work, love, compromise and countless episodes sittin’ side by side watching WE tv wedding shows.

Small and intimate was our goal...no maid of honor, no best man, no big wedding party, just Jack’s adorable nieces as the flower girls. Our original guest count was not to exceed 50, a comfortable 100 graced us with their presence. It was intimate, warm, exciting…it was the best day we’ve shared together.

Come Take a Peek!

Click on each photo below to be directed to the corresponding photo gallery.

Hudson's Newborn Photos - Eleven Days Old

Materity Photos - 36 Weeks

Hudson's First Month

Our Little One's Journey

A couple of crazies in Ecuador - Twenty one weeks pregnant

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