Twenty Eight Weeks & Our 3rd Trimester

>> Friday, January 15, 2010


Today, I’ve officially trucked into our third trimester! I’m sure I sound like a broken record, but I truly can’t believe how fast the pregnancy is progressing.

I’m sincerely looking forward to the next twelve weeks of fun. Poo poo I say to the peeps around the office and unsolicited advice from others carrying on about all the uncomforts to come - the sleepless nights, the aching back, the stretch marks, the horrendous heartburn, and all the other unmentionables they say are heading my way.

There’s too much fun to look forward to in the next three months and at the rate the calendar pages are flipping I want to enjoy every day while this lasts. I’m excited to put the finishing touches on the lil’ guy’s nursery, learning more about the birthing process, learning more about baby things period, the fun baby showers and more.

I super excited to meet our new midwife group next Wednesday. - I received the phone call I’d had been waiting for on Wednesday. My records from my current Dr. finally made their way to them and I’m a go. After a wonderful phone conversation with Melissa (part of the midwife team) I’m even more convinced this might be the best move for us.

I’m excited to see how big this crazy belly is going to get, and strangely how much weight I’m going to pack on. Call me cuckoo, but I’m strangely curious (about both).

No new crazy symptoms this week – hooray!

In the last 28 weeks I’ve completely missed out and haven’t felt the effects of...Morning sickness, I think I’m going to dye fatigue, food aversions, constipation, heartburn, swollen ankles, stretch marks, hemorrhoids, gestational diabetes caused by the pregnancy, shoes not fitting or becoming tighter, muscle cramping of any kind (day or night), pigment discoloration, varicose veins, and any other random and/or major unpleasantly.

What I have felt and seen... a mild acne breakout around ten weeks, a few emotional breakdowns, a cold that lasted a good two weeks, a faint linea nigra line begin to develop under my belly button, ninja kicks that have kept me up for a minute or two, increasing awkwardness getting up and over the body pillow at night to use the restroom, and an odd pain a few nights ago in my breastbone (thought I was having a slight heart attack).

So far so good!


Melody January 15, 2010 at 12:41 PM  

Some people just do the pregnant thing a lot easier than others! I too have loved being pregnant, every time! It is such a blessing and a privilege to bring a tiny little person into the world. Glad to hear you are still feeling great!

Melody January 15, 2010 at 12:41 PM  

Oh, and I LOVE the mobile!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see the rest!

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Our Wonderful Begining

Sunday, December 2nd 2007

What a day, I felt like the luckiest kid in the world! We feel so blessed that we were able to share our day with friends and loved ones. It truly was one of the happiest days of both our lives and we loved each and every minute of it!

Our planning process was a whirl wind. Who says you can’t plan the perfect day in three months, and have a blast doin’ it?! I realized during our planning how truly lucky I am to have Jack to stand beside. Our happy day was truly a testimony of team work, love, compromise and countless episodes sittin’ side by side watching WE tv wedding shows.

Small and intimate was our maid of honor, no best man, no big wedding party, just Jack’s adorable nieces as the flower girls. Our original guest count was not to exceed 50, a comfortable 100 graced us with their presence. It was intimate, warm, exciting…it was the best day we’ve shared together.

Come Take a Peek!

Click on each photo below to be directed to the corresponding photo gallery.

Hudson's Newborn Photos - Eleven Days Old

Materity Photos - 36 Weeks

Hudson's First Month

Our Little One's Journey

A couple of crazies in Ecuador - Twenty one weeks pregnant

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